working towards an intellectual understanding of booty chatter.

sábado, agosto 05, 2006

t.f.b. (totally fucking brilliant): pink nasty attacks.

PINK NASTY once told me that her upcoming album Mold the Gold, " the shit. I remember the liner notes of Tevin Campbell's I'm Ready LP where he says his album is the shit and that stayed with me and I feel like Tevin right now. I believe if it isn't the Thriller of the indie pop singer songwriter set, then it will certainly be the I'm Ready. I like all the songs but there are only 12...cheaper by the dozen mentality--you wouldn't ask Steve Martin which kid he liked best!"

Honestly, she is the shit, so no matter what this album sounds will be the shit. Ms. Nasty is an indie chick-rocker with an incredible sense of humor. She's like the girl next door, except she's the girl next door who performed in the same space as Annie and Jose Gonzalez. Oh yeah, she also has a brother who raps about AIDS and degrading women.

Recently, she has given us a sneak peek-a-boo of her new songs on the space. "Take It Back" is certainly my fave of what I've heard so far. Also, it was one of the only new songs that I could download. Enjoy it, along with a few old faves!

DOWNLOAD: PINK NASTY- Take It Back (demo)
DOWNLOAD: PINK NASTY- Burn (Usher cover)

I will hopefully make another post to let you know when Mold the Gold drops. If you can find a copy of her last album Mule School, your ears are in for a treat!

Honorable Media is streaming an AMAZING song by Cee-Lo from the Snakes on a Plane soundtrack. I'm not even kidding. It's incredible. There's also some new Outkast over there. Pound for Pound has a few other Kelis remixes of "Bossy" that you couldn't get here.

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