working towards an intellectual understanding of booty chatter.

viernes, julio 25, 2008

sensual harassment: carnal spirits.

dl: SENSUAL HARASSMENT - Carnal Spirits (YSI)
I'll admit it. When I posted "Mirror" a few months ago, I wasn't sure whether Sensual Harassment would ever appear on this blog again. At the time, I wasn't really sure what direction their sound was heading towards, and confession number two---I'm still not sure.

While I referred to "Mirror" as being "on the verge of power-dance-emo", their new tune sounds like Afrika Bambaataaa meeting up with Daft Punk for some watermelon lemonade. Listening to them back to back, I thought I'd struggle to recognize it's the same band, yet the instrumentation is consistent enough for the two songs to flow into one another. Compare these two tunes to "The Journey Has Merely Begun". Huh? WTF? It's somehow consistent but it's not! I don't know where these guys are going or where they've been, but I can't wait to hear them once they reach their final destination.


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