working towards an intellectual understanding of booty chatter.

martes, agosto 28, 2007

cannonball jane: take it to fantastic.

CANNONBALL JANE is totally a teacher, but "Take It To Fantastic" sounds way cooler than any music that my elementary school teachers could have come up with. At least I think so. Maybe my 30-something teacher in second grade dabbled in gangsta rap?

Well, Cannonball Jane is certainly not gangsta or rap, but there's definitely a huge hip-hop tinge to her material. I never would have imagined that such sweet sounds could come out of Bridgeport, CT...mostly because it always looke
d gross anytime I passed it on the highway. However, Cannonball Jane isn't as gross as I always thought Bridgeport was.

Girl group pop seems to be totally cool these days (see Amy Winehouse, The Pipettes), but I've yet to hear someone who's taken that formula and chose to reinvent it, rather than emulate it. The vocals of Cannonball Jane are girl-group pop, but the beats are so hip-hop that I expect Ghostface to pop in any minute now and drop a verse.

"Take It To Fantastic" will be featured on the October 9th release of Knees Up!, which also includes two remixes of the song-- one by Adrock of The Beastie Boys and another by DJ Downfall.

dl: CANNONBALL JANE - Take It To Fantastic (YSI)
(hip-hop beats/girl-group vocals, awesome)
- site it - space it -

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