winter of our discontent: the itms!! winter mixtape.

EDIT: Apparently my high school English teacher was a dirty liar. Susan "You Can't B. Serious" Anthony of Surfing the Third Wave has chimed in with her scholarly take on the phrase:
"Actually, 'winter of our discontent' is a negative. The original Shakespeare goes, 'Now is the winter of our discontent/Made glorious summer by this son of York."'As in, 'We Yorks were so discontent during Henry VI's reign that it was like winter, but now it's summer because my brother's on the throne.' So, it is usually misread, since people cut off the second part of the line, but while the line is positive, 'winter' is still negative, a period of discontent."
Sort of negates the theme a bit, but it doesn't change the fact that the music is fucking fantastic.
One of my favorite songs of 2008 was Passion Pit's "Better Things", eventually released on the Chunk of Change EP. It goes a little something like this--"Baby don't be unhappy, Baby don't be sad. Better things are coming, I swear there's truth in that." Those lyrics came to me when I really needed to hear them, and I feel like that sentiment (more than ever) needs to echo throughout the world. Though the song doesn't appear below, it provided inspiration for my choices. For those who are wary of being overly optimistic, keep in mind that most of the songs are for the purpose of catharsis.
Without further ado (about nothing), I present to you the ITMS!! winter mixtape. Did somebody say mixtape? Yes. Each side lasts for under 30 minutes and could literally be recorded onto a C60 cassette tape. This was really important to me for some reason, even though I have no intent to bring cassettes back.
1. Y LA BAMBA - Alida St. (alt): I am totally gay for Luz Elena Mendoza's voice and her band Y La Bamba. If I got stranded in winter for my entire life and could only bring one album, there's no doubt that it'd be Alida St. And if I lived in Portland, there's no doubt that I'd be at every Y La Bamba show. (BUY IT - SPACE IT)SIDE A (DOWNLOAD ZIP OF THIS SIDE)
2. GHOST BEES - Vampires of the West Coast (alt): If whoever banished me to live in winter forever was nice enough to let me bring two albums, I would also bring Ghost Bees' Tasseomancy. Twin sisters Sari and Romy Lightman have vocals that just melt together and simultaneously melt my heart with the sorrowful tales they weave. (BUY IT - SITE IT - SPACE IT - HYPE IT - WIK IT)
3. LOCAL NATIVES - Airplanes (alt): Considering that the lead singer annunciates every single other word in this song, it frustrates me that I can't tell whether the chorus states "I want you back" or "I want you bad". In fact, it might be both. I choose to revel in the ambiguity--the singer was feeling such strong emotions that he couldn't even finish his words. (SITE IT - SPACE IT - FACE IT - HYPE IT)
4. WOULD-BE-GOODS - Vivre Sa Vie (alt): I don't know French, but I bet this song is very deep and interesting. (BUY IT - SITE IT - HYPE IT - WIK IT)
5. MARCHING BAND - Make No Plans (alt): I first fell in love with Marching Band from an early version of "Travel In Time". To my surprise, their album Spark Large isn't very wintry at all, but this song makes the cut. I'm not sure why the mp3 cuts out at the end, but let's just pretend it's quirky and cute, eh? (BUY IT - SITE IT - SPACE IT - HYPE IT - WIK IT)
6. DARK DARK DARK - Trouble No More (alt): I feel so lame saying that this is one of the "darker" moments of the mixtape, but it actually is. (BUY IT - SITE IT - SPACE IT - HYPE IT)
7. AVIARY GHOST - Somewhere Else (alt): This is proof that things are going to get better. After receiving a promo e-mail, I got sad that I couldn't afford to buy Aviary Ghost's Memory is a Hallway. In writing this post, I discovered that the album is free if you sign up for their e-mail list. Best late Christmas present ever! (BUY IT - SITE IT - SPACE IT - FACE IT - HYPE IT)
1. THE NEW UP - Just Because (alt): ES Pitcher's voice is reminiscent of the great female pop-rock vocalists of the '90s--Shirley Manson, Courtney Love, Gwen Stefani, and a part of me likes to think that she'd spit on me for saying that. Can't get enough. (BUY IT - SITE IT - SPACE IT - HYPE IT)2. THE LUCKSMITHS - A Sobering Thought (Just When One Was Needed) (alt): Though this song has the word "sober" in the title, all I want to do is get drunk with a group of friends and sing along. This would require me having friends who actually knew the words, but I'd settle for everyone mumbling through as long as we all put our arms around one another and jumped around a bit. (BUY IT - SITE IT - SPACE IT - HYPE IT - WIK IT)
3. MONSTERS ARE WAITING - I Wanna Be Adored (alt): I don't know why, but this song gets a lot sexier with a female vocalist. Perhaps it's just the arrangement. Is it sacrilege to say I like this more than the original? Probably. (BUY IT - SITE IT - SPACE IT - HYPE IT - WIK IT)
4. THE BPA f/ EMMY THE GREAT - Seattle (alt): Holy shit. Best song ever. I've loved Emmy ever since "My Party Is Better Than Yours", and it's great to hear her conquer a poppier sound. (BUY IT - SITE IT - SPACE IT - HYPE IT - WIK IT)
5. ITS A BUFFALO - Marbles (alt): This is a song about losing your marbles (for when you want to indulge a little in your craziness). It makes me want to dance like a Muppet so hard. (BUY IT - SPACE IT)
6. THE CONTOURS - First I Look at the Purse (alt): The Contours may not be the most famous of Motown's all-male groups, but they had a huge hit with "Do You Love Me?" "Purse" was a modest hit, and is mostly known by the J. Geils Band's cover. Thanks to Funky16corners for this one! (BUY IT - HYPE IT - WIK IT)
Actually, "winter of our discontent" is a negative. The original Shakespeare goes, "Now is the winter of our discontent/Made glorious summer by this son of York." As in, "We Yorks were so discontent during Henry VI's reign that it was like winter, but now it's summer because my brother's on the throne." So, it is usually misread, since people cut off the second part of the line, but while the line is positive, "winter" is still negative, a period of discontent.
Sorry, I just studied this. Love the mixtape!
Hi, Great stuff here. The Contours song is a classic, and J. Geils also does a mint version. You have totally turned me on to 2 new songs that I love already: The New Up song crushes it, and the Monsters Are Waiting cover is really superb. Just an FYI, the Z-Share file for side A does not work, so I was not able to preview those songs. Thanx!
@alpo: Hmm, what's happening with the side a file? Do any of the other links through sharebee work?
Not sure...I can't open torrent files, so I can only open thru Z-share...Side B link yielded a file to open, but side A link just went into an endless loop that kept bringing you back to the download file, but no file to open. That typically means there is no file present. Thanx for side B, and hope side A can be reoloaded for Z-share.!
Megaupload worked better for me.
Am I the only one who automatically thinks of Reality Bites when discussing "Now is the winter of our discontent"? I feel that we should let the movie guide us to the true answer... Winona Rider. She's the answer.
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