t-pain: pr33 ringz.

Last night a T-Pain saved my life. Seriously. You can say what you want to say about T-Pain, and I understand your frustration. He's been responsible for a handful of the most annoying hits in the past year-- "Low", "Kiss Kiss", and list goes on. With that said, he has also been responsible for a handful of tunes that have breathed new life into me and restored my faith in pop music. I can't explain it, and, no, I can't believe it... but I have a respect for T-Pain that no grown man should admit to.I know I'm over a month late on this, but I'm sure I'm not the only person who wasn't aware that T-Pain dropped Pr33 Ringz, a mixtape promoting the release of his upcoming album Thr33 Ringz. I once read an interview with T-Pain in which he stated that he only raps when he's feeling angry. Considering the majority of tracks on Pr33 Ringz have him rapping, he really must have been pissed while recording this. Anger can be the only explanation for a line like "That bitch look like a toucan that's eating froot loops at a gay parade" ("Nappy Boy or Die"). As hard as I try to be offended by that, I can't stop laughing at the imagery. This is probably an indication that my T-Pain addiction is reaching problematic levels.
"This all I want you to do with me. Put your drink down, pick it back up, drink it, put it back down, pick it up again, drink it some more, put it down on the bar, slide it across the bar, tell someone to pass you your drink back, pick it up again, put it in my mouth, I'ma take a sip of it, put it back down, I want you to pick it back up, then you take a sip of it, and then both of us drunk as fuck and the person that you slid it to the first time"--- T-Pain's equation for getting drunk, as explained on "Don't Stop The Party"A line from T-Pain's rap on Ciara's new single "Go Girl" sums up my love for him-- "Even with an IQ of 42, they say I'm a motha, motha genius." I don't care if T-Pain isn't the most intelligent musician out there. I don't care if he's indirectly making America a little dumber. He's a genius in a way that most people don't understand. Just take a listen to "Like I Outta". If you listen closely (okay, you don't have to listen that closely), you'll notice that none of the featured rappers are actually on the track. Given that he could have easily convinced half of them to hop on the track, it seems odd, no? WRONG. Take a listen to the chorus "Grab your microphone, set your autotune, and I'ma bust a verse on your ass like I outta do". This is clearly a commentary on other musicians biting off of his autotune style, so he's stolen the style and (in some cases) voice of rappers to demonstrate his point. Okay, it's not necessarily genius. But it's totally fucking brilliant, and I don't get why more people aren't talking about this track.
Please download Pr33 Ringz immediately so we can discuss how odd and incredible it is. Now.
- BUY IT - SITE IT - SPACE IT - FACE IT - WIK IT - HYPE IT -Etiquetas: autotune, dj khaled, drunk, hip-hop, mixtape, pop, rhythm and blues, t-pain
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